Wednesday, October 2, 2013

"Chelsea Galleries Reaction"

During my visit to Chelsea's gallery, I first entered the David Zwirner's 519 West 19th Street space gallery in New York. What I like about Raymond Pettibon's art work is that it's definitely unique and does catch your eye when you do run into his work. However, I don't like certain images he tends to use for a lot of his art work. I do believe there is value in a lot of his art work because his work does embraces the "high" and low" of american culture from marginal youth, art history, literature, sports, religion, politics, and sexuality. I do think that the value of some not all of his paintings isn't a very good investment due to the pictures of male or female genitalia, or even a fetus in a bottle. So let start with that painting previously mentioned. The second I saw the painting of a baby fetus in what it looks like a wine bottle I began to question his purpose behind it. It's not that it grossed me out or I find it in poor taste but other people in general might. I also happened to find a painting that i actually enjoyed which was the painting of a horse mid sprint, it's just one of those paintings that would make a dull room in your house more lively.

Another gallery with some good art work that I enjoyed was the Lori Bookstein fine art at 138 Tenth Avenue in New York. The artist that was featured in this gallery was Paul Resika, an artist who sought inspiration from everything in the world that was around him. Whether it'd be studio tabletop tableaux, a mechanics shop or even local amusement parks. There's not much I dislike about Paul Resika's art work, if I had to choose something I disliked it'd probably be how he painted a few of his art works. That being said I love this mans paintings and how he grasps the image of an area. Paul Resika's paintings can be very profitable in my opinion just for the fact that his paintings are really eye grabbing in how he paints his art work in a way that you kind of have to stare at it for a few seconds before realizing what it is if you never read the title. The piece of art that I didn't really care for was the painting of a motor shop. The coloring and style of the painting just didn't really scream "hey look at me" but ironically did make me look at it. One piece I loved was a picture of a subway. At first it took me a while to realize what it was before reading the title of it.

Raymond Pettibon "Untitled" (2013)

      "Display it" (Horse)                                   "Store it" (Fetus)                                            
RPDZNYSHOW2013_9_web RPDZNYSHOW2013_5_web

Paul Resika

  "Motor shop" (1948) "Store it"   "The subway" (1947) " Display it"

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